Oasis Church was founded by Senior Pastors Themba and Lulu Mthethwa in 1989 in Umlazi Township, South of Durban Kwazulu Natal. They then pursued the Vision to see Umlazi and the Durban Metropolitan areas impacted positively by the Gospel of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and seeing people’s hearts set ablaze for the Kingdom of God.
They have nurtured the Oasis Church from nine members to over a two thousand five hundred members and still growing.
“Thank you for showing interest in our church. Our greatest desire is that you find Oasis Church a place you can call home and a place where you can grow in your personal walk with Jesus Christ. We are a family based church and we believe in influencing our community with the good news of the gospel. We trust that through our ministry you will be empowered to Reign in life”